What is Malama?
Experience the essence of Malama on your next Hawai’i holiday
There’s nothing quite like a Hawai’i holiday. Beloved for its sun-drenched beaches, lush rainforests and stunning luxury resorts, we couldn’t be more excited that this island paradise is open to visitors once more.
However, post-pandemic travel to Hawai’i may look a little different, as travellers begin to seek more meaningful holiday experiences. When you make your return to this tropical haven, we encourage you to experience Hawai’i beyond its natural beauty and deep-rooted culture by engaging in malama.
What is Malama?
What is Malama?
In our opinion, the most rewarding trip is one where you give back. Malama means to travel consciously by giving back to the land, the people and the community. After all, when you learn to love Hawai’i the way the locals do, not only do you help protect the ‘aina (land) and moana (ocean), but you’ll forge deeper, more meaningful connections with both the Hawai’ian people and the islands themselves. This relationship between people and place will only grow stronger every time you malama.
Several tourism organisations in Hawai’i are offering opportunities for travellers to pay it forward, through experiences like beach clean-ups, native tree planting and more. There really is no better way to immerse yourself in the true spirit of Hawai’i.

Enrich your Hawai’i holiday with our Kualoa Ranch Malama Experience Tour
As we finally begin to send travellers to beautiful Hawai’i once more, we’re thrilled to offer an exclusive malama experience at Kualoa Ranch that will make your holiday all the more rewarding. Located just 35 kilometres outside of Waikiki on the shores of stunning Kaneohe Bay, Kualoa Ranch is a private, 4000-acre nature reserve and working cattle ranch on the island of O’ahu, and the perfect place to give back to Hawai’i.
Join a 2-hour eco-adventure that will educate you on the importance of sustainability and immerse you in local Hawai’ian culture. During the tour, you will learn the importance of caring for the upland streams that feed the taro terraces down through the valleys and into the ocean. You’ll also discover the importance of taro as sustenance to the Hawai’ian people, and how Kualoa is mentioned in the 2,000-year-old Kumulipo genealogical chant as being where the first taro plant sprung to life.
Depending on what the ranch needs at the time of your tour, you’ll take part in hands-on activities like thatching traditional Hawai’ian hale (grass huts), assisting with cleaning, planting and harvesting taro or planting la’au lapa’au (medicinal plants) that are used to make teas, tinctures, salves and other medicinal uses. You’ll leave knowing that you’ve made a measurable difference in the effort to create a sustainable future for Hawai’i.
Get in touch with our Hawaii Experts about how you can malama during your Hawai’i holiday today.
Tags: Experiences, Hawaii, Hawaiian Culture, Malama, Things to do
Categories : Travel
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